Board of Health Meetings
November 19, 2024 at 6:30pm EST
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Meeting ID: 821 8526 6107
Passcode: 631095
Board of Health Nominations
Thank you for your interest in your local board of health. Boards of health in Kentucky play an important role in the Kentucky Public Health system including establishing local public health tax rate, hiring the local public health director, and collaborating with the local public health director in the strategic oversight of the local health department. Volunteer board of health members are integral to promoting healthier Kentuckians and healthier communities.
On behalf of the Secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS), the Commissioner of the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) appoints members to 118 of the 120 county or city-county boards of health (BOH) pursuant to KRS 212.020 and KRS 212.640. Fayette and Jefferson County board members are appointed by the mayor and fiscal court respectively.
Board of Health appointment terms are for two years beginning January 1 and ending December 31 the following calendar year. There is no restriction on the number of terms an individual may serve, but each member’s term has an end date, and they must be renominated and reappointed for a new term every two years.
Even numbered years
pharmacists, and
fiscal court appointees
Odd numbered years
veterinarians, and
Professional members must maintain a current Kentucky license in the profession relevant to their respective board seat. Nominees must also reside in the county they will be serving. Individuals appointed off-cycle to fill a vacancy will serve until the end of the current two-year term designated for their respective seat.
Nominations are submitted online during the months of September and October. Online nomination submission must be made by November 1st. The online nomination form is located here. For questions or assistance in completing the nomination form, please contact the public health director for the relevant county.
Appointed members will be notified by the Local Health Department in December prior to the January 1st start of their term.
For additional information, statutes and regulations regarding Boards of Health, please visit the KDPH BOH Website. Nominations are to be in accordance with KRS 212.020.