Healthy Access Nurturing Development Services (HANDS) is a free, voluntary home visitation program for families starting in pregnancy and continuing during babies’ first few years of life. For ongoing participation in HANDS, families receive monthly incentives. For families who wish to receive this support, they will engage in fun activities to learn more about healthy pregnancy, caring for and bonding with their baby, how to provide at home learning experiences, and how to create safe and healthy home environments.
Who Can Participate?
The HANDS program is available to both first time moms and dads, as well as families with more than one child.
When do HANDS Services Begin?
Services can begin during pregnancy or anytime before a child is 3 months old.
What are the Main Goals of HANDS?
Healthy pregnancies and births
Healthy child growth and development
Healthy, safe homes
Self-sufficient families
What Can Parents Expect?
Support through your pregnancy and the early years of your baby's life
Ways to make your home safer for your baby
Information on how to care for your baby
Facts that will let you know your baby is growing and developing in healthy ways
Activities that you and your baby can enjoy together that can stimulate your child's brain development
Access to other community services
How Does the Program Work?
In the prenatal period the family is screened after a referral is made. This referral can be made by the doctor's office, the health department, your church, friends or family. A trained professional will work with you to introduce parenting skill development in areas such as recognizing your baby's needs, what to expect as your baby grows, making your home safe, etc.
For More Information:
Knox County HANDS Program
Christie McDonald, RN, HANDS Supervisor