KCHD participates with Vaccine for Children to provide immunizations to children and adults.
Influenza (Flu) Vaccination
In the Northern hemisphere, winter is the time for flu, but the exact timing and duration of flu seasons vary.
While seasonal flu outbreaks can happen as early as October, most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, although activity can last as late as May.
For more information on the Influenza Virus, click here: CDC’s Influenza Basics Page
Pregnant Women are Urged to Get a Flu Vaccination
Adult Vaccine Program
Vaccines for adults that are uninsured may be available at no cost. If there is an outbreak associated with a vaccine, then some vaccines may be free to those with insurance as well. Call (606) 546-3486 to inquire which vaccines may be available to you!
Childhood Vaccines
The Knox County Health Department provides childhood immunizations through the Kentucky Vaccine Program.
The Kentucky Vaccine Program (previously known as the VFC program) is a federally-funded and state-operated vaccine supply program that became operational October 1, 1994.
The Kentucky Vaccine Program is intended to help raise childhood immunization levels in the United States, especially among infants and young children.
The groups of children designated to receive vaccines through the Kentucky Vaccine Program include:
Children enrolled in Medicaid Children who do not have health insurance
Children who have health insurance which does not cover immunizations
Children who are American Indian or Alaskan Native
PLEASE NOTE: Having a high insurance deductible does not qualify an individual as underinsured.